90for90 – Vajrasana Buddhist Centre03.22 / The Original and the Copy02.20 / The Architecture of Intuition10.19 / Up and Down09.19 / Watching Paint Dry06.19 / Gathering Light04.19 / Signs of Life03.19 / The Colour of Water05.17 / Take it as it comes01.17 / Torrential Sunshine11.16 / Where is Everybody?11.16 / Appropriate Light, Serpentine Pavilion10.16 / No Drama10.16 / Every Day is a Good Day09.16 / Sunset + 20 minutes09.16 / Appropriate Light, Turner Contemporary Margate08.16 / In Context04.16 / Fuzzy Boundaries03.16 / Is it possible to photograph the lights going on and off?07.15 / Waiting for a Solar Eclipse03.15 / In Praise of Darkness10.14 / Sensing Spaces01.14 / Nocturnal Change06.13 / The Logistics of Space05.13 /
90for90 – Vajrasana Buddhist Centre03.22 / The Original and the Copy02.20 / The Architecture of Intuition10.19 / Up and Down09.19 / Watching Paint Dry06.19 / Gathering Light04.19 / Signs of Life03.19 / The Colour of Water05.17 / Take it as it comes01.17 / Torrential Sunshine11.16 / Where is Everybody?11.16 / Appropriate Light, Serpentine Pavilion10.16 / No Drama10.16 / Every Day is a Good Day09.16 / Sunset + 20 minutes09.16 / Appropriate Light, Turner Contemporary Margate08.16 / In Context04.16 / Fuzzy Boundaries03.16 / Is it possible to photograph the lights going on and off?07.15 / Waiting for a Solar Eclipse03.15 / In Praise of Darkness10.14 / Sensing Spaces01.14 / Nocturnal Change06.13 / The Logistics of Space05.13 /
Fuzzy Boundaries 03.16
“Architecture is the separation of interior from exterior space. It is creating a kind of boundary between inside and outside. That seems simple, but is actually quite difficult. If walls are used to separate interior from exterior, as has been the case in most architecture up to now, establishing a boundary is simple. But interior and exterior do not need to be sharply divided, like 0 and 1 in digital code, like black and white. Rather, an infinity of degrees actually exists between 0 and 1, and an infinite grading of shades exist between black and white. A boundary is not a simple line. Something we could describe as a ‘fuzzy boundary’ could also exist.”
From “Kyokai: A Japanese Technique for Articulating Space”
All images from a recent visit to Louvre-Lens by SANAA.