Architecture + Lighting
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St George's Tower, London, INSTA
Taby Centrum Sweden, Dunnett Craven & studioFRACTAL
Downing Street, London, DW Windsor
Knighstbridge Estate, Chelsfield & GIA Equation
T2 Heathrow, Pascall+Watson/StudioFRACTAL
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Speirs+Major/Michael Grubb Studio
Serpentine Pavilion, Smiljan Radic
Serpentine Pavilion, Smiljan Radic
Somerset House Miles Staircase, Eva Jiricna & DHA Designs
Re-installation of the Herkenrode Glass at Lichfield Cathedral
Athlete's Village, Olympic Park London, Speirs+Major
Speyside light, 7.00am, photographed for Speirs+Major
Speyside light, 10.30pm, photographed for Speirs+Major
World's End Estate, view from Battersea
Spectra, London, Ryoji Ikeda
Joseph Cheaney Jermyn Street, Checkland Kindleysides
BSkyB HQ, Brentford, DW Windsor
Southampton Maritime Centre of Excellence, DW Windsor Garda Handrail
Re-installation of the Herkenrode Glass at Lichfield Cathedral
Oxford Brookes University, John Henry Brookes Building, Design Engine/Speirs+Major
Lumenpulse AlphaLED stand at LuxLive
Albert Memorial, LDP
Turner Contemporary Margate, David Chipperfield Architects
A14 Roadway Lighting, DW Windsor
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